MPH Practicum & Capstone Opportunities
The PRCHN offers opportunities for Master of Public Health students to complete a public health field practicum required by their program.
Students should identify a faculty member or senior staff member at the PRCHN whose research interests, expertise, and projects are in the topic area and you wish to pursue. Practicum and capstone projects work best if it provides students the opportunity to apply the skills and competencies acquired in the MPH program and align with priority public health issues.
The topic and format of the capstone project is flexible and is developed through discussions between the student, capstone advisor and PRCHN staff.

Examples of Previous Practicum Experiences
- The Effect of Nutrition on Mental and Physical Health for People Experiencing Homelessness – Nicole Palmer
- Examining Current Healthy Food Marketing Practices in Cleveland Stores and Helping to Implement New Strategies to Increase Healthy Food Access and Consumption- Joseph Hnath
- Evaluation of Mini-Interventions to Support Produce Perks Program for Improving the Health of Underserved Communities- Simmerdeep Singh
- Administration of Youth Risk Behavior Survey to 7th and 8th Graders in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District- Paola Saroufim
Examples of Previous Capstone Projects
- Associations of risk behaviors with underutilization of preventive health care services in respondents of the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance (YRBS) survey in Cuyahoga County- Shilp Shah
- Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities of the Produce Prescription (PRx) Program from the Perspectives of Health Care Providers- Kakul Joshi
- Examining the Compliance of the Tobacco 21 Policy in Cleveland, Ohio- Neha Gupta
- From Procurement to Plate: Understanding Needs and Capacity to Implement Nutrition Standards in Community Organizations that Serve the Food Insecure- Rebekah Russell
- Have You Ever Been Told You Had a Sexually Transmitted Disease? Understanding Social Demographics, Sexual Health, and Behavior Health Risks and Exposures among High School Students in Cuyahoga County- Joanna Zhou