The PRCHN is currently seeking students who are interested in the topic of adolescent health and wellbeing. This summer, we have a number of opportunities related to the Youth Risk Behavior Survey and the Cuyahoga County Youth Work Institute.
The following opportunities are available:
Summer 2023
AHA! Program Development Intern: Support the development of the Adolescent Health Advocacy (AHA!) Program for youth professionals. This program will utilize a theory to practice approach and train participants to advocate for youth, youth professionals, and youth programs.
CCYWI Social Media Intern: Develop, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive social media plan for the Cuyahoga County Youth Work Institute. This will include the development of content, across multiple platforms, and evaluation of reach and impact using social media analytics.
YRBS Dissemination Intern: Support the development of dissemination products grounded in 2022 Youth Risk Behavior Survey results, focusing on the Latinx population. Develop content, particularly the modification of previously created data briefs and infographics, across multiple platforms, and evaluation of reach and impact using social media analytics.
Qualitative Research Assistant: Support qualitative methods associated with the evaluation of the Integrated School Health Framework within the Cleveland Municipal School District (CMSD). Assist with interviews and/or focus groups with diverse stakeholders within the school community. Support data management and analysis as well as compile reports related to formative and process evaluations. Support dissemination of findings to the community and academic stakeholders. Contribute to the fulfillment of reporting requirements for local funding agencies.
Data and Evaluation Intern: Support the management and analysis of data associated with youth-focused projects including training, community assessments, Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) measures, and Youth Risk Behavior Survey data. Support dissemination of findings to the community and academic stakeholders. Contribute to the fulfillment of reporting requirements for local and federal funding agencies.
Ideal candidates should have experience related to youth engagement, mental health, or adolescent health. Undergraduate and Graduate level students are welcome to apply.
Hours and Payment
Interns will work 16-20 hours/week. Hourly wages are $15-$18.00/hour based on experience. Work-related travel will be reimbursed.
Apply through the PRCHN Training & Mentoring Application. For more information about the PRCHN Summer Internship Program, visit the PRCHN Website.