Data Collection Tools

The PRCHN conducts a significant amount of primary data collection. That means that we create or adapt data collection instruments and protocols for use in our studies. At the PRCHN, we believe in sharing these tools for others to use.  

Neighborhood Attribute Inventory (NAI): 

This tool has been used by the IMPACT project at the PRCHN to assess characteristics of neighborhoods where participants and their families live. This tool assesses residential land use, public space, social interactions, and non-residential land use. The tool and our protocol and item descriptions are included below. 


Parks and Green Space Audit 

School Food Environment Audit

Food and Tobacco Store Audits:


Community Garden Audits

 In May 2013, the PRCHN and Ohio State University Extension-Cuyahoga County (OSU-E) began a county-wide assessment of 250 community gardens that are participating in the OSU-E Summer Sprout or Suburban Community Garden programs. PRCHN interns partnered with OSU-E interns to visit and conduct on on-site objective garden assessment and a garden leader interview. Information gathered included garden size, characteristics, garden resources (or needs), safety, and access.

HIP-C Community Quality of Life Survey (2012): HIP-C Community Survey
NOCA Evaluation Survey:
NOCA Eval Survey – Year 1
NOCA Eval Survey – Year 2