NEAP Map Resources

NEAP’s searchable, interactive maps visually display specific data sets in a geographic context. All of the maps below start with a basic map of Cuyahoga County. On top of that are layers of information about a specific community asset, for instance the location of community gardens, or a specific community quality, such as educational attainment. 

NEAP Community Gardens Map (2015)

What does the Community Gardens Map show?
This searchable, interactive map will allow you to locate the community garden nearest to your home. It also includes useful details like contact information, year started, the type of community garden, how to join, the average plot size, and any associated fees to participate. Links to online information about the garden are provided if available.

The Ohio State University Extension program manages most community gardens throughout Cuyahoga County, providing new and established gardeners with free seeds, tools, and education. Most community gardens are located within the City of Cleveland, with suburban gardens constituting 35% of all OSU Extension-sponsored gardens. Community gardens differ in important ways based on history, focus of the sponsoring organization, and interests of current community members.

NEAP Farmers' Markets Map (2015)

What does the Farmers’ Markets Map show?
This searchable, interactive map will allow you to locate the farmers’ market closest to your home, determine when the market is open (time, day/s and months of year), and whether the Ohio Direction Card (EBT) is accepted. Markets participating in the Double Value Produce Perks incentive program for Ohio Direction Card (EBT) customers are marked in green. Links to market websites and facebook pages are included if available. 

The Community Food Guide of the Food Policy Coalition provides educational booklets with tips, activities, Ohio-grown fruit and vegetables, and location and details of farmer markets throughout Cuyahoga County. In partnership with Ohio State University’s Extension program, we make the farmers’ market details available in a simple, searchable map. Here you will learn which farmers’ market accepts electronic benefit transfers (EBT) and what foods you can expect to find at the market closest to you.